Friday, 12 August 2016

I'm going back home ... Eritrea

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a very long time ...

If you follow me on my Facebook or Instagram (@lidiaanamusic) then you will know that I have graduated (First Class honours in Commercial Music), created my Happy Monday Videos ( #AfroliciousMonday), created my Dance class Shégitu ( and many more things,..... In short I was busy working on my brand.

However, this year I have decided to go back to my home country. I had a lot of personal issues recently and I feel that going back to my roots is going to help me a lot. Also, I will have a chance to work on my charity The Lidiaana Foundation again.
I really miss my kids. They are all a little older now (it's been 5 years), so seeing them is going to be very emotional.

This year I hope to buy even more children stationary, so that they can go to school and write everything down instead of having to remember it.

If you would like to help this cause then please head to my website and download any of my songs. The proceeds will go straight to my charity.

Thank you for your support.

Latest Single 'Timalin'


Much love <3
